Meet The Author

Hi, I’m Charlotte.  A Mum to three children, a teenager, a toddler and a baby who will forever be nine months old.   Sadly little Heidi passed away from sepsis in 2019.  

My whole world changed.  I never felt the same, saw the world, or loved the same again.   I have struggled with PTSD, depression, anxiety and OCD since then. 

 Writing has helped me process her loss, accept my mental health problems and find my place in the new world around me.   I started writing not long after she died, but didn’t do anything with it, the writing was more for me than anyone else. 

 I found a sense of calm and peace when I was around nature and took pictures of beautiful skies, trees, lakes, anything that stirred emotion in me, they became the background images to my poetry.

I began publishing poems on social media in 2023 and had poetry and prose published in Cicadas Literary Journal, Tin Can Poetry and PAGE magazine.

My debut poetry collection, Heidi Hates Hats, is available for pre-order on Amazon. 

Heidi Hates Hats is comical and heart-warming collection of original poems about parenting and family life, sure to entertain families with young children.  

A donation from the sales of the book will be made to Sepsis Research FEAT.  A UK based charity working to stop sepsis now.

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